

Youth For Road Safety is holding a creative and dynamic online session to reflect on the importance of meaningful youth participation as a way to achieve human and planetary health.

Youth For Road Safety- YOURS


Vidhyalay udhyam Association is showcasing innovations made by youth to support their communities to respond to COVID-19.

“Young economy play a crucial role in nation development.”

Vidhyalay udhyam Association


Young Disciples In Mission is working with youth volunteers to bring services closer to the people. They are organising different outreach programs including giving free sanitary kits for teenagers and conducting a virtual heath talk.

“Youth manifest the charter of a change maker because of their innovative ideas and energy.”

Young Disciples In Mission


Thaghadoum is showcasing the ability of young people to create change in society.

“Young people have the power to change the world as long as they are meaningfully engaged.”



Navunisoco youth club are organising a youth picnic to celebrate the resilience of young people.

“Young people are passionate about change.”

Navunisoco youth club

Côte D’Ivoire

Wake-up Côte d’Ivoire is holding a virtual event with young people to discuss why youth inclusion matters.

“Young people are the future of the world.”

Wake-up Côte d'Ivoire


Young Feminists Movement Namibia together with other young people are releasing a media statement on the status of young women in Namibia and will also hold an online conversations with young women leaders.

“Rural young women are the agents of change for civil society in the world.”

Young Feminists Movement Namibia


Movimiento Juvenil Indígena de la Moskitia will celebrate International Youth Day online by amplifying and sharing youth campaigns.

“Young people have the power.”

Movimiento Juvenil Indígena de la Moskitia


Reseau des innovateurs pour le developpement agricole et social is bringing together young people to make their voices heard to the world on issues that affect them.

” Young people are the driving force.”

Reseau des innovateurs pour le developpement agricole et social


Guinéenne pour la Lutte contre la Migration Irrégulière is discussing the role of youth in safeguarding the ecosystem.

“Young people are the engines of the development of a nation.”

Guinéenne pour la Lutte contre la Migration Irrégulière

Burkina Faso

Association pour la Promotion des Droits des Jeunes is holding a conference on gender inclusion, participation and human rights.

“Young women can become big figures in society once engaged, inspired and prepared.”

Association pour la Promotion des Droits des Jeunes


Dogrey Future Group is holding several capacity and skills strengthening events for youth in different regions.



Intercede Youth Empowerment is establishing youth skills centers in four regions to help encourage entrepreneurship and connection to markets.

“The power of change is with the Youth.”

Intercede Youth Empowerment


National Youth Network on Climate Change is holding youth-led radio and TV Panel Discussions that focus on the role of the youth in accelerating and influencing justice and equity in our food systems.



Thrive to end Hunger is campaigning for tree planting and environmental conservation.

“Young people are the leaders of tomorrow.”

Thrive to end Hunger

United States of America

Trippinz Care Inc will celebrate International Youth Day by reflecting on the Covid-19 outbreak, the emerging climate crisis and the need for concerted global action and meaningful engagement of young people in addressing crises.

“Young people have a positive force for development.”

Trippinz Care Inc


National Youth Welfare Association is holding a dialogue to help young people understand the importance of participating in political processes.



Omarang Charity Association for Multipurpose (OCAM) are organising a youth seminar to discuss issues such as education, youth unemployment, limited access to markets among other.

“Young people are innovators and creators based on their context and cultural surroundings.”

Omarang Charity Association for Multipurpose (OCAM)


New Uprising Youth Network are holding a peaceful march aimed at fostering peace in society.

“Youth need to be part of the decision making processes.”

New Uprising Youth Network


ONG EPCR (ENFANT DE PAUVRE C’EST RICHE) is organising a series of dialogues around young people and development, citizenship and entrepreneurship.



Common Principles Foundation (CPF) is organising an intergenerational dialogue to enhance the protection of civilians from conflict and insecurity.

” Young people are anxious about their future and want to make it better than today.”

Common Principles Foundation (CPF)


Chambre Transversale des Jeunes Entrepreneurs are organising a workshop to draw the attention of the community to youth issues and celebrate the potential of young people as partners in the society.

“Young people can change the world.”

Chambre Transversale des Jeunes Entrepreneurs du Burundi


Pastoral Peace Reconciliation Initiative is holding a public gathering to sensitise young people on the role they can play in peace building.

“Youth are standing for changes in peace, integrity and prosperity.”

Pastoral Peace Reconciliation Initiative

Papua New Guinea

Kutubu Youth Empowerment and Engagement Network are hosting a week long sports event which entails games that relate to the theme for this year’s World Youth Day aimed at sentisising young people about their rights and responsibilities.



Pachamama for the Future are creating space for youth expression, and alliances in youth civil society.



Association Main Sur le Coeur organise d’un atelier de renforcement moral pour les déplacés internes.

“La jeunesse et la societe civile constituent des piliers foundamentaux changements de la societe.”



Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development (CEPASD)are hosting global youth engagement event.

“Young people can change the world as a result their innovative and continuous resilience.”

Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development (CEPASD)


Youth And Women Emancipation (YAWE) is conducting a dialogue with their young volunteers to discuss employment opportunities available for youth, challenges and way forward.

“Because young people consist about 60% of the general population and they have power to influence changes and shape the world.”



For international Youth Day, Youth Bridge Inc. will hold community youth-led outreaches that will engage, educate and empower young people to advocate for climate justice.



Innova Emprendimiento Juvenil: Convocar la mayor población juvenil posible a través de un canal online y dar ese mensaje que nos motive a transformar nuestro territorio.

“El futuro es hoy! Es nuestra responsabilidad como jóvenes construir un mejor presente mientras trazamos los cimientos hacia el verdadero futuro.”

Innova Emprendimiento Juvenil


We will organize a workshop to draw the attention of the community to youth issues and celebrate the potential of young people as partners in the society.


Sierra Leone

Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative is organising a symposium for youths and key local leaders to learn more on how youths can be integrating in improving food security.

“Young people are catalysts for positive change in the world.”

Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative, Sierra Leone (YACEI_SL)


Young Leaders Organisation is organising a seminar on youths’ right to access all forms of information which is one of the hindrance to youth inclusion in all sectors.

“Youth are the change makers.”

Young Leaders organization

El Salvador

Global Platform is convening 30 Salvadoran youth organizations to celebrate the campaign “And the youth for when?” They will present the Legislative Youth Platform to the deputies of the Salvadoran Parliament. The platform addresses the human rights demands of more than 50 youth-led organizations.

Global Platform El Salvador


Teso Youth Network will conduct a virtual youth dialogue on substance abuse in Ngora District aimed at reducing it’s negative effects in the community.

“Young people better understand their issues and solutions to them”

Teso Youth Network


Apostle Padi Ologo Traditional Birth Centre aims to reduce infant mortality through improved maternal health. For International Youth Day, they will launch youth centres for training young people on SDGs.

“The youth are the world and so they understand how the world works and they have the ability, strength and the energy to direct the world to a safe destination.”

Apostle Padi Ologo Traditional Birth Centre


Rohingya Youths for Society Change will hold a campaign on education for the Rohingya refugee children.

“Youths are the power of change in society.”

Rohingya Youths for Society Change (RYSC)


Youth For Road Safety is holding a creative and dynamic online session to reflect on the importance of meaningful youth participation as a way to achieve human and planetary health.

Youth For Road Safety- YOURS


Vidhyalay udhyam Association is showcasing innovations made by youth to support their communities to respond to COVID-19.

“Young economy play a crucial role in nation development.”

Vidhyalay udhyam Association


Young Disciples In Mission is working with youth volunteers to bring services closer to the people. They are organising different outreach programs including giving free sanitary kits for teenagers and conducting a virtual heath talk.

“Youth manifest the charter of a change maker because of their innovative ideas and energy.”

Young Disciples In Mission


Thaghadoum is showcasing the ability of young people to create change in society.

“Young people have the power to change the world as long as they are meaningfully engaged.”



Navunisoco youth club are organising a youth picnic to celebrate the resilience of young people.

“Young people are passionate about change.”

Navunisoco youth club

Côte D’Ivoire

Wake-up Côte d’Ivoire is holding a virtual event with young people to discuss why youth inclusion matters.

“Young people are the future of the world.”

Wake-up Côte d'Ivoire


Young Feminists Movement Namibia together with other young people are releasing a media statement on the status of young women in Namibia and will also hold an online conversations with young women leaders.

“Rural young women are the agents of change for civil society in the world.”

Young Feminists Movement Namibia


Movimiento Juvenil Indígena de la Moskitia will celebrate International Youth Day online by amplifying and sharing youth campaigns.

“Young people have the power.”

Movimiento Juvenil Indígena de la Moskitia


Reseau des innovateurs pour le developpement agricole et social is bringing together young people to make their voices heard to the world on issues that affect them.

” Young people are the driving force.”

Reseau des innovateurs pour le developpement agricole et social


Guinéenne pour la Lutte contre la Migration Irrégulière is discussing the role of youth in safeguarding the ecosystem.

“Young people are the engines of the development of a nation.”

Guinéenne pour la Lutte contre la Migration Irrégulière

Burkina Faso

Association pour la Promotion des Droits des Jeunes is holding a conference on gender inclusion, participation and human rights.

“Young women can become big figures in society once engaged, inspired and prepared.”

Association pour la Promotion des Droits des Jeunes


Dogrey Future Group is holding several capacity and skills strengthening events for youth in different regions.


Intercede Youth Empowerment is establishing youth skills centers in four regions to help encourage entrepreneurship and connection to markets.

“The power of change is with the Youth.”

Intercede Youth Empowerment


National Youth Network on Climate Change is holding youth-led radio and TV Panel Discussions that focus on the role of the youth in accelerating and influencing justice and equity in our food systems.


Thrive to end Hunger is campaigning for tree planting and environmental conservation.

“Young people are the leaders of tomorrow.”

Thrive to end Hunger

United States of America

Trippinz Care Inc will celebrate International Youth Day by reflecting on the Covid-19 outbreak, the emerging climate crisis and the need for concerted global action and meaningful engagement of young people in addressing crises.

“Young people have a positive force for development.”

Trippinz Care Inc


National Youth Welfare Association is holding a dialogue to help young people understand the importance of participating in political processes.


Omarang Charity Association for Multipurpose (OCAM) are organising a youth seminar to discuss issues such as education, youth unemployment, limited access to markets among other.

“Young people are innovators and creators based on their context and cultural surroundings.”

Omarang Charity Association for Multipurpose (OCAM)


New Uprising Youth Network are holding a peaceful march aimed at fostering peace in society.

“Youth need to be part of the decision making processes.”

New Uprising Youth Network


ONG EPCR (ENFANT DE PAUVRE C’EST RICHE) is organising a series of dialogues around young people and development, citizenship and entrepreneurship.


Common Principles Foundation (CPF) is organising an intergenerational dialogue to enhance the protection of civilians from conflict and insecurity.

” Young people are anxious about their future and want to make it better than today.”

Common Principles Foundation (CPF)


Chambre Transversale des Jeunes Entrepreneurs are organising a workshop to draw the attention of the community to youth issues and celebrate the potential of young people as partners in the society.

“Young people can change the world.”

Chambre Transversale des Jeunes Entrepreneurs du Burundi


Pastoral Peace Reconciliation Initiative is holding a public gathering to sensitise young people on the role they can play in peace building.

“Youth are standing for changes in peace, integrity and prosperity.”

Pastoral Peace Reconciliation Initiative

Papua New Guinea

Kutubu Youth Empowerment and Engagement Network are hosting a week long sports event which entails games that relate to the theme for this year’s World Youth Day aimed at sentisising young people about their rights and responsibilities.


Pachamama for the Future are creating space for youth expression, and alliances in youth civil society.


Association Main Sur le Coeur organise d’un atelier de renforcement moral pour les déplacés internes.

“La jeunesse et la societe civile constituent des piliers foundamentaux changements de la societe.”



Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development (CEPASD)are hosting global youth engagement event.

“Young people can change the world as a result their innovative and continuous resilience.”

Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development (CEPASD)


Youth And Women Emancipation (YAWE) is conducting a dialogue with their young volunteers to discuss employment opportunities available for youth, challenges and way forward.

“Because young people consist about 60% of the general population and they have power to influence changes and shape the world.”



For international Youth Day, Youth Bridge Inc. will hold community youth-led outreaches that will engage, educate and empower young people to advocate for climate justice.


Innova Emprendimiento Juvenil: Convocar la mayor población juvenil posible a través de un canal online y dar ese mensaje que nos motive a transformar nuestro territorio.

“El futuro es hoy! Es nuestra responsabilidad como jóvenes construir un mejor presente mientras trazamos los cimientos hacia el verdadero futuro.”

Innova Emprendimiento Juvenil


We will organize a workshop to draw the attention of the community to youth issues and celebrate the potential of young people as partners in the society.

Sierra Leone

Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative is organising a symposium for youths and key local leaders to learn more on how youths can be integrating in improving food security.

“Young people are catalysts for positive change in the world.”

Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative, Sierra Leone (YACEI_SL)


Young Leaders Organisation is organising a seminar on youths’ right to access all forms of information which is one of the hindrance to youth inclusion in all sectors.

“Youth are the change makers.”

Young Leaders organization

El Salvador

Global Platform is convening 30 Salvadoran youth organizations to celebrate the campaign “And the youth for when?” They will present the Legislative Youth Platform to the deputies of the Salvadoran Parliament. The platform addresses the human rights demands of more than 50 youth-led organizations.

Global Platform El Salvador


Teso Youth Network will conduct a virtual youth dialogue on substance abuse in Ngora District aimed at reducing it’s negative effects in the community.

“Young people better understand their issues and solutions to them”

Teso Youth Network


Apostle Padi Ologo Traditional Birth Centre aims to reduce infant mortality through improved maternal health. For International Youth Day, they will launch youth centres for training young people on SDGs.

“The youth are the world and so they understand how the world works and they have the ability, strength and the energy to direct the world to a safe destination.”

Apostle Padi Ologo Traditional Birth Centre


Rohingya Youths for Society Change will hold a campaign on education for the Rohingya refugee children.

“Youths are the power of change in society.”

Rohingya Youths for Society Change (RYSC)
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